Blog & Podcasts

Results 1 - 65 of 65
  • Intro to Hematology & Oncology | Podcast

    CalvertHealth  |  11/21/2024

    Audio Only Your browser does not support the audio element. Please consider downloading a more recent browser....

  • Cancer Diagnosis & Staging | Podcast

    CalvertHealth  |  10/11/2024

    Audio Only Your browser does not support the audio element. Please consider downloading a more recent browser....

  • Oncology Nurse Navigation | Podcast

    CalvertHealth  |  10/11/2024

    Audio Only Your browser does not support the audio element. Please consider downloading a more recent browser....

  • Arab American Heritage Month

    DEI Committee  |  4/29/2024

    I am honored to have been asked to add my experience as a first generation Iraqi-American for the celebration of Arab American Her...

  • How Local Mom Changed Physical, Mental Health With Exercise

    Sarah Fallin  |  4/25/2024

    Even though it was decades ago, I still remember the feeling of my heart beating in my throat as I slid down the wooden bench in g...

  • Duke Health: Support Throughout Cancer Treatment and Outcomes

    CalvertHealth  |  12/21/2023

    Co-Authored by Linda Sutton, MD, Duke Cancer Network Medical Director and Jenna Koenigshofer, DNP, Associate Director Clinical Pra...

  • June Update - 1000 Hours Outside Challenge

    Rebecca Burgess  |  6/2/2023

    This update may be a little late but aren’t we all sometimes 😊 We are currently at around 320 hours outside for the year! This is...

  • The First Testicular Cancer Cure

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  4/17/2023

    An adage in health care declares if you wish to be famous in the medical field you should discover a new disease and attach your n...

  • Spring Update - 1000 Hours Outside Challenge

    Rebecca Burgess  |  4/14/2023

    SPRING IS HERE! As of today, April 7, we have almost 160 hours outside since we launched the 1000 Hours Outside Challenge on Janua...

  • April Is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  4/10/2023

    Many of us think of cancer as predominantly a disease of older people. Televised advertisements for children’s cancer research ins...

  • William Dameshek (1900-1969)

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/20/2023

    The American Society of Hematology, the leading scientific association concentrated on the various disorders of the blood, annuall...

  • Second Month Update - 1000 Hours Outside Challenge

    Rebecca Burgess  |  3/14/2023

    Almost two months down, ten more to go! We are nearly 60 days into the 1000 hours outside challenge and have accumulated 83 hours ...

  • Fifty Thousand Frenchmen Can’t Be Wrong, Can They?

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/13/2023

    Medscape, an email service for medical news, published some observations on findings from a health practices survey conducted in F...

  • CalvertHealth - Duke Cancer Care Affiliation Update

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/8/2023

    Hardly a clinic day passes without someone mentioning to me her enthusiasm for the new relationship Calvert Health’s oncology prog...

  • First Month Update - 1000 Hours Outside Challenge

    Rebecca Burgess  |  2/8/2023

    The first month is officially in the books! From the launch date of the CalvertHealth 1000 Hours Outside Challenge on January 23rd...

  • Humble Pie

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  2/6/2023

    About five years ago, I developed a personal tradition of beginning each new year by reading some of the classics of literature, b...

  • 1000 Hours Outside Challenge

    Rebecca Burgess  |  1/13/2023

    Everyone knows fresh air is good for you, but it is hard to consolidate just how good time spent outside can be for you. It is goo...

  • Thanksgiving Reflections

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  11/24/2022

    We’ve roasted and carved the turkey, mashed the red potatoes, cooked the fresh snap green beans to a nice al dente crispness, serv...

  • Lung Cancer in Nonsmokers

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  11/21/2022

    Although people may tire of hearing me preach anti-smoking sermons, I rarely tire of warning them about the health dangers of toba...

  • Colorectal Cancer and the Black Community in America

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  11/2/2022

    The forthcoming and much-anticipated release of Wakanda Forever , the sequel to Black Panther , one of the most popular and honore...

  • Hope and Joy in the Brisk October Air

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  10/31/2022

    Over the past several decades, as I posted last week, community foot races have become a standard part of breast cancer awareness ...

  • Susan Goodman Komen and the Pursuit of a Cure for Breast Cancer

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  10/20/2022

    If it is a secret, it is the worst kept secret in the world. October has come to be known almost universally as breast cancer awar...

  • Mary Woodard Lasker, “The Fairy Godmother of Medical Research”

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  9/19/2022

    The effort to combat cancer occurs on many fronts: the cancer patient’s home, the medical clinic, the operating room, the infusion...

  • A New Era in Calvert Health Oncology

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  9/16/2022

    An experienced gardener, or anyone who cares for houseplants, knows the value of beneficial change. A plant may grow only so large...

  • Jane Cooke Wright, Chemotherapy Pioneer

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  9/7/2022

    The modern history of cancer care features many physicians, scientists, researchers, and lay champions, many of whom are deservedl...

  • The Air We Breathe

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  8/30/2022

    Cancer is a fearsome, complicated disease. Even with all our knowledge, constantly expanding, there remain many aspects we don’t u...

  • The Debt We Owe to Paul Ehrlich

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  8/16/2022

    Hardly a week passes in the normal flow of my patient care responsibilities without a visit to the hospital laboratory (which has ...

  • A Neu Advance in Breast Cancer Treatment

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  8/9/2022

    When CalvertHealth Oncology established an internet presence, the principal purpose of this effort was to enhance and extend the a...

  • A Nutritionist’s Perspective on Cancer

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  8/5/2022

    As part of my recent series on cancer and nutrition, I invited Karen Mohn, CalvertHealth’s Registered Dietician who works with per...

  • When Bigger Is Better

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  7/28/2022

    In an earlier article - How May I Be Sure I’m Being Treated Correctly? - I explained the advantages getting a second opinion may a...

  • How May I Be Sure I’m Being Treated Correctly?

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  7/21/2022

    Receiving news of a cancer diagnosis alters your life. The evaluation process, the number of diagnostic procedures, the requiremen...

  • Nutrition Mythbusting

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  7/14/2022

    For several years, the Discovery Channel hosted a popular joint American-Australian television production called Mythbusters . Ada...

  • Table Talk

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  6/29/2022

    If you were to ask what the one action is a person can take to lower her risk of developing cancer by a significant amount, the an...

  • Food, Glorious Food

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  6/21/2022

    And you thought this was going to be about the musical “Oliver!” Some other time, perhaps. Few persons who visit this blog have li...

  • Three Years On

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  6/7/2022

    My last post to this blog drew attention to the annual observance of National Cancer Survivors Day. As I type these words on my la...

  • National Cancer Survivors Day Is June Fifth

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  5/31/2022

    Music can define an era. To this day, swing and the big band sound evoke the 1940s. Groups such as the Beatles and the Rolling Sto...

  • How Worrisome Is My Melanoma?

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  5/25/2022

    Not every case of malignant melanoma is alike. Depending on the specific characteristics of the disease as it presents in an indiv...

  • What a Dermatologist Wants You to Know About Melanoma

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  5/9/2022

    My good friend and colleague, Dr. Faris Hawit, a board-certified dermatologist and Mohs micrographic surgeon who has practiced in ...

  • Melanoma Awareness Month

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  5/3/2022

    The poet T. S. Eliot famously wrote, “April is the cruelest month.” Although this is the first line of his most enigmatic poem, “T...

  • Heard It On the Radio

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  4/21/2022

    As part of Calvert Health System’s efforts in March to promote awareness about colorectal cancer, my colleague Dr. Arati Patel rec...

  • Compassionate Competence

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  4/14/2022

    Several weeks ago, I noted in this space the recent conferring of the DAISY (“Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem”) Award on the ...

  • Treats without Tricks, Please

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  4/12/2022

    What does it mean to treat a disease? The simplest sense is to restore normal health, to “fix” what is wrong, to make the disease ...

  • As Ye Sew…

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/31/2022

    I continue our annual focus on colorectal cancer by writing about a little-known physician who contributed greatly to the growth i...

  • Move ‘Em On, Head ‘Em Up

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/22/2022

    The 1950s and 1960s were the heyday of the classic western, both in the movies and on television. The great John Ford directed epi...

  • Cancer and the Telephone Game

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/16/2022

    Raise your hand if you have ever played the “telephone game.” Form a line or circle with a sizeable group of people—a dozen or so,...

  • More on Awareness of Colorectal Cancer

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/9/2022

    Colorectal cancer is one of those good news-bad news situations in modern oncology. The good news is that over the past 30 years d...

  • March Is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/1/2022

    As body parts go, the colon and rectum lack glamor and appeal. They’re not likely to win any popularity polls or beauty contests. ...

  • Sugar, Sugar

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  2/25/2022

    As fictious rock bands go, The Archies did all right for themselves (my apologies if I shattered any cherished illusions in my fel...

  • DAISY Award for CHMC Main Infusion Center

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  2/18/2022

    Successful delivery of quality cancer health care requires the participation of many people: office receptionists, medical assista...

  • I Will Do Remembering!

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  2/11/2022

    I indulge an occasional habit of scouring YouTube for scenes from old movies, particularly the classic musicals. A week or so ago,...

  • There’s No Place Like Home

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  2/8/2022

    The oncology service at CHMC dedicates itself to providing the highest quality of care to our family members, neighbors, and frien...

  • World Cancer Day | February 4, 2022

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  1/31/2022

    Many groups and organizations dedicate themselves to achieving progress in the ongoing fight against cancer. One such organization...

  • You Don’t Have to Walk Alone

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  1/25/2022

    Imagine hiking through an unfamiliar forest. Which is better? To try to blaze a useable path through the underbrush, hacking away ...

  • Games of Chance?

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  1/18/2022

    One of the most frequently asked questions that follow receiving a cancer diagnosis never appears on FAQ lists: Why me? In a small...

  • Making Your Life Care Wishes Known

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  1/3/2022

    How can you think about and make important decisions about the kind of cancer care you want? What about other, often equally impor...

  • Grappling with Reality

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  12/27/2021

    In this two-part post, I tie together some ideas I introduced in earlier pieces, specifically encouragement to ask questions, to l...

  • This Is Not Your Cousin’s Roommate’s Cancer, Either

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  12/12/2021

    My previous post on the dramatic changes that have taken place in cancer care over the past 30 years was longer than most I’ve wri...

  • This Is Not Your Grandmother’s Cancer

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  11/30/2021

    When I reflect back on nearly thirty years of clinical experience in medical oncology, the most striking feature is how different ...

  • The Death of the Humoral Theory of Disease

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  11/23/2021

    When last we left the humoral theory of disease, it had survived the debunking efforts of Vesalius and Baillie. Black bile might n...

  • Early Ideas about Cancer

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  11/16/2021

    Humanity and cancer are old adversaries. The earliest descriptions of the disease appear in ancient Egyptian manuscripts, perhaps ...

  • Ship Ahoy!

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  11/10/2021

    Engaging the health care system often feels like travel to an exotic foreign country. The setting is unfamiliar, different from ho...

  • The Symphony of the Human Body

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  10/28/2021

    One fine, long-anticipated evening, you and your equally well-dressed partner settle into your plush red-velvet front row balcony ...

  • What Is Hematology?

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  10/19/2021

    Hematology is the medical specialty having to do with the study and treatment of diseases of the blood and the organs that make bl...

  • What Is Oncology?

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  10/11/2021

    Practically everyone remembers from high school that words ending in “ology” have to do with the study of something, joined to som...

  • Oncology Thoughts with Dr. Abbott

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  10/7/2021

    Clear and useful communication has been called “the heart of the art of medicine.” More than just being a pleasing rhyme, this exp...

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