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Appt: 410.414.2790
Welcome to the Center for Vascular Care
At the Center for Vascular Care at CalvertHealth, we are highly experienced in the evaluation, prevention, management, treatment and follow-up care of all vascular disorders.

The Center for Vascular Care

Board-certified vascular surgeon Dr. Joseph Wuamett is trained in the most advanced techniques to treat diseases of the arteries and veins through medical management, minimally invasive surgery or open surgical techniques.

Using state-of-the-art technology, we offer a full spectrum of management and treatment options for patients of all ages with vascular conditions that range from prevention to management and treatment of complex venous or arterial diseases, and everything in between.

Here are some of the conditions treated/services offered at the Center for Vascular Care at CalvertHealth:


Prevention and Wellness

CalvertHealth offers daily free screenings for vascular disease in our Vascular Lab. Participants will be screened for AAA (Aortic Abdominal Aneurysm), peripheral artery disease and carotid disease. To make an appointment, call 410.414.4539.

Symptoms of Vascular Disorders

Do you have any of the following symptoms? It’s important to talk to your primary care physician about any or all of these symptoms in order to seek treatment from a vascular specialist. Sometimes a referral to a vascular specialist is needed, but that may not be necessary. Contact your insurance if you are concerned about insurance covering your visit, or mention it to the office staff when you schedule your appointment. They will be able to help you better understand your insurance coverage and even help you obtain authorization or a referral.

  • Do you feel pain, tightness, tiredness or weakness in your legs when you walk?
  • Do your legs feel better when you stop walking?
  • Has a physician ever told you that you have poor circulation in your legs?
  • Have you ever been told that you have blockage in your carotid arteries?
  • Have you recently experienced TEMPORARY:
    • Loss of vision in one eye?
    • Slurred speech?
    • Difficulty understanding what is being said to you?
    • Weakness or numbness of an arm or leg on one side of your body?
  • Do you have high blood pressure?
    • If yes, for how long? ___Years
  • Has it been difficult to get your blood pressure under control?
  • Are you taking more than two blood pressure medications now?
  • Do your legs swell?
  • Have you had problems with blood clotting or phlebitis?
  • Have you had or do you have an open sore on your legs, feet or toes that doesn't heal?
  • Do you have a family history for enlarged arteries or aneurysms?

Causes and Risk Factors

Vascular disorders can happen to anyone; however, research has identified factors that may increase your risk. These risk factors include:

  • Cigarette smoking
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol and lipid levels
  • High blood pressure
  • Older than age 50
  • Inherited genetic trait
  • Obesity
  • Elevated blood levels of homcysteine (an amino acid)
  • Heart disease
  • High-stress lifestyle

Some of the following risk factors can be modified with changes in habits. Knowing your risk factors to any disease can help to guide you into the appropriate actions, including changing behaviors and being clinically monitored for the disease.

Diagnosis / Tests

The following diagnostic tests are performed here at CalvertHealth Medical Center in our Interventional Suite or in our Center for Vascular Care by registered technologists and vascular specialists.

The following diagnostic tests are used to measure and evaluate vascular disease:
  • Abdominal aortic ultrasound
  • Angiography
  • Ankle-brachial Index
  • Arterial duplex scan
  • Arteriogram
  • Computerized tomographic angiography (CTA)
  • Doppler
  • Ultrasound

Non-Invasive Vascular Studies

At CalvertHealth, we use non-invasive approaches (no needles or injection of dyes). The vascular diagnostic specialist in the full service vascular lab uses ultrasound or high frequency sound waves to detect blockages in arteries and veins. The lab is equipped to assess a range of vascular disorders including cerebrovascular disease, peripheral arterial disease, disease of the veins and impotence. For scheduling and information, you can reach the vascular lab at 410.414.4539. Our Non-Invasive Vascular Lab is accredited through the IAC (Intersocietal Accreditation Commission for Non-Invasive Vascular Laboratories.)

Interventional Radiology

Interventional radiology (IR) is a subspecialty of radiology in which minimally invasive procedures are performed with imaging guidance. The images provide roadmaps to assist the interventional radiologists as they guide instruments through the body to reach diseased areas. Here at CalvertHealth, we have two interventional radiologists who perform procedures that can often be used to avoid hospitalization and/or surgery.

Common IR procedures may include:
  • Angiography
  • Kyphoplasty
  • Vertoplasty
  • CVAD or PICC lines
  • Radioembolization
  • TIPS shunts
  • Nephrostomy tubes
  • Dialysis catheters
  • Uterine fibroid embolizations
  • Drainages
  • Biopsies
  • Blood clot filters
  • Foreign body extraction
  • Thrombolytics
  • Cancer treatments
  • Radiologically implanted tubes

Treatment / Procedures

Treatment of vascular disease includes lifestyle modifications, or making changes to diet and exercise habits. Your vascular surgeon may also prescribe medication. In some cases, surgery may be the only option to treat the condition or illness.

Because most peripheral vascular disease is associated with atherosclerosis, medications may be prescribed to reduce the overall risks of atherosclerosis, such as heart attack or stroke. Medications to reduce atherosclerotic risk might include:

  • Cholesterol-lowering medications
  • High blood pressure medications
  • Medication to better control diabetes
  • Medications to prevent blood clots, such as aspirin

Procedures to treat vascular disease
  • Angioplasty
  • Arterial Bypass surgery for legs
  • Endartectomy
  • Endovascular aneurysm repair
  • Endovascular therapy
  • Endovenous ablation
  • Open (conventional) aneurysm repair
  • Stent
  • Surgical vein stripping
  • Thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair
  • Thrombolytic therapy
Specialist drag_handle
Joseph C. Wuamett, MD, RPVI
General Surgery, Vascular Surgery
Learn More
Hannah Filippelli, MSN, CRNP, FNP-BC
Nurse Practitioner
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Center for Vascular Care

Calvert Medical Office Building
110 Hospital Road, Suite 210
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Phone: 410.414.2790
Hours: Mon-Fri | 8:30a.m. - 4p.m.

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Center for Vascular Care

Prince Frederick
Calvert Medical Office Building
110 Hospital Road, Suite 210, Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Phone: 410.414.2790
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